Accountability Matters: No Excuses for Nasty Behavior


In life, we all face challenges. Some days are harder than others, and sometimes, the weight of our personal struggles can feel overwhelming. But here’s the thing: no matter what you’re going through, it does not give you a free pass to treat others poorly.

I’ve noticed a growing trend where people justify their rude or nasty behavior by saying something along the lines of, “I have things going on in my life.” Let me be clear—everyone has things going on in their life. Every single person you encounter is carrying their own burdens, fighting their own battles, and navigating their own struggles. Life is not easy for anyone, and using your hardships as an excuse to mistreat others is simply not acceptable.

We all have bad days. We all have moments where we feel frustrated, angry, or upset. But part of being a decent human being is learning how to manage those emotions without taking them out on others. It’s about accountability. It’s about recognizing that your feelings are valid, but so are the feelings of the people around you.

When you lash out or behave poorly, it doesn’t just reflect on your circumstances—it reflects on your character. It’s important to take a step back and ask yourself: Is this how I want to represent myself? Is this how I want others to remember me? The answer should be no.

Instead of excusing bad behavior with “I’m going through something,” try communicating honestly and calmly. If you’re having a tough time, let people know. Most of us are more than willing to offer support and understanding when someone is struggling. But that understanding comes from mutual respect—not from being mistreated.

At the end of the day, kindness costs nothing. Even when you’re hurting, you can choose to treat others with respect and empathy. It’s a choice we all have to make daily, and it’s one that defines who we are.

So, the next time you feel tempted to excuse your behavior with “I have things going on in my life,” remember this: so does everyone else. Let’s all strive to be kinder, more compassionate, and more accountable. The world could use a little more of that right now.